COVID-19 FAQ — Fall 2021
These FAQs will be updated as the public health situation and our plans evolve. Please check back periodically for updated information.
Oregon Law is committed to supporting our students launch their legal careers, make progress toward their law degree, and connect with peers, faculty, support staff, and alumni. Here are the steps we are taking as a law school to ensure our community’s health and safety and to deliver an outstanding educational experience in the academic year 2021-22.
Our Fall 2021 instruction will be predominantly in person.
Whenever we meet in person, we will observe all safety requirements. As a reminder, the first day of fall term is August 23, 2021. Orientation for 1Ls will begin the week of August 16, 2021. Current conditions and public health guidance may evolve. These will be reviewed and adjustments made accordingly. At this point, people can plan for the current public health mask guidelines to be effective in all indoor spaces, including classrooms, as law starts its fall semester.COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement.
UO students and employees are required to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 prior to the start of the fall academic term. This public health measure at the UO will help protect our community by reducing the potential for serious illness, hospitalization, or death. It also will limit campus disruptions and allow us to resume in-person instruction and activities. Students who do not complete either action, attesting to full vaccination or requesting an exemption, for fall term will be subject to a registration hold and subject to discipline under the student conduct code. The student process for the COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement page has more information and the required forms.The law school and university have adopted additional measures to reduce the likelihood of illness spreading on campus.
We are addressing COVID-19 through a variety of strategies focused on creating a healthy environment and requiring healthy behaviors. These efforts follow the guidance and orders of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Oregon Health Authority. At present, the campus is open to students and employees only. Face coverings are required indoors for everyone, even those individuals who are fully vaccinated. Individuals are required to wear face coverings indoors except when alone in a room or in an area specifically designated for eating in groups.
Students, faculty, and staff are expected to self-monitor for symptoms of Covid-19 and not come to the law school if they have symptoms. Free COVID-19 testing is available for all asymptomatic UO employees, UO students, and Lane County residents age 3 and older. The UO will continue to work with public health partners to assist students and employees seeking a COVID-19 vaccine and is recommending eligible individuals schedule a vaccination appointment through their county, local pharmacy, or health care provider.We have many vibrant student organizations that welcome your interest and participation.
We are making sure that all our student organizations know about building safety as they work through their planning and events for the new academic year.The library and law buildings are open.
Law Building Access Hours.
For information about the Law Library, please visit the Law Library’s information page.
In the meantime, we still recommend all students prioritize securing high-speed internet at home in case the public health situation worsens.We will continue to follow state, local, and university guidance around safety and public health.
Visit the UO’s COVID-19 Resources site for more information. And remember, as the public health situation evolves, we will update these materials.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Assistant Dean of Students Sandy Weintraub, ( with any questions. Please check back for updates.
Knight Law Center Building Hours:
Public hours*
8:00 am – 7:00 pm, Monday – Friday
*The Knight Law Center is still currently closed to the public
Law School Faculty and Staff
Seven days a week, 24 hours a day
Law Graduate Students
7:30 am – Midnight, Monday – Thursday
7:30 am – 9:00 pm, Friday
9:00 am – 9:00 pm, Saturday
9:00 am – Midnight, Sunday
University of Oregon Students, Faculty, and Staff**
7:30 am – Midnight, Monday – Thursday
7:30 am – 9:00 pm, Friday
9:00 am – 9:00 pm, Saturday
9:00 am – Midnight, Sunday
**Card access for non-public hours is only available through the south building entrance
Duck Store Hours
8:00 am – 3:00 pm, Monday - Friday
Knight Law Center hours will be reduced or the building may be closed during intersessions (e.g., winter break, spring break, etc.). The building will be closed to everyone except Law School Faculty/Staff and Law School Graduates Students during major events near the Knight Law Center (e.g., Eugene Marathon, events at Hayward field, etc). Card access may also be restricted to the south building door only during these events.
Last updated: August 9, 2021