On January 19, 2022, Governor Kate Brown appointed Judge Roger J. DeHoog, JD ’92, to the Oregon Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the Oregon judicial branch. The only court that may reverse or modify a decision of the Oregon Supreme Court is the United States Supreme Court.
The court has seven elected justices. Justice DeHoog joins the Oregon Supreme Court with another Oregon Law alum, Chief Justice Martha L. Walters, JD ’77.
“Congratulations to Justice DeHoog, Judge Joyce, Judge Howes, and Judge Joyce. I am so proud of our alumni,” Oregon Law Dean Marcilynn A. Burke said. “As one of the oldest law schools on the West Coast, we have a rich heritage of professionals who carry their passion for justice into public service on the bench.

Who is Justice DeHoog?
Justice DeHoog was a judge on the Court of Appeals, in Bend, Oregon. He is the second Asian Pacific American to serve on Oregon Supreme Court. He served as a trial judge on the Deschutes County Circuit Court from 2012 to 2015, before his appointment to the Court of Appeals. Before his judicial service, DeHoog practiced as a Deschutes County public defender from 1993 to 2000 and handled criminal defense and domestic relations cases while in private practice in Bend from 2000 to 2007. In 2008, DeHoog joined the Oregon Department of Justice’s Special Litigation Unit, which handles major state litigation on a variety of matters, including litigation on environmental, constitutional, and consumer protection laws. DeHoog received his bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College.
A favorite memory from law school
“Although I have great memories from the classroom—such as Dave Schuman guiding us through the parallel labyrinths of state and federal constitutional law, Dom Vetri spinning out fantastic fact patterns before neatly tying them to clear principles of tort law, and many more—my fondest memories are actually from outside the classroom. I’ve often told others about the wonderful late-night discussions in the stacks when (now Marion County Circuit Court Judge) David Leith would point out such things as the subtleties I’d missed about the Dormant Commerce Clause or better ways to conceptualize the legislative process. I also remember how exhilarating (if stressful) it was to work into the early morning hours team-drafting briefs as part of the environmental clinic. Finally, I fondly recall joining my classmates for well-earned pitchers of beer on the deck at Rennie’s Landing after the last final was done each term.”
How has your law education at University of Oregon helped shape your career?
“I went to the University of Oregon because, at the time, I wanted to be the best possible public-interest advocate. I felt that the U of O—through its selection of professors, its administration, and its selection of the student body—embraced and nurtured that attitude. It also gave equal emphasis to ensuring that its students were well-versed in the law and capable of wielding that law for the benefit of their future real-world clients. The outstanding writing program and clinics are just two examples of that approach, but I personally continue to use what I learned in those programs even today. And by supporting my enthusiasm for the law and giving me the building blocks I needed to build a career, the U of O launched me toward the rewarding path that I’ve been lucky enough to travel.”
Governor Brown also recently appointed three other Oregon Law alums to the bench: Anna M. Joyce, JD ’01, to the state court of appeals and Celia Howes, JD ’03, to the Multnomah County Circuit Court, and Miranda S. Summer, JD ’07, to the Washington County Circuit Court. Judge Joyce fills a vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Joel DeVore, JD ’82. Howes will replace the retiring Judge Eric Bergstrom, B.S. ’84. Judge Summer will fill the Washington County vacancy created by Judge Ramón Pagán’s recent elevation to the Oregon Court of Appeals.

Anna Joyce, a Double Duck, is a shareholder at the Markowitz Herbold law firm in Portland. She has argued hundreds of appeals before Oregon’s appellate courts and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. She also has briefed cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. Before joining the Markowitz firm, Joyce practiced in the Appellate Division of the Oregon Department of Justice from 2003 to 2015 and served as Oregon’s Solicitor General. Joyce began her legal career as a law clerk for then Oregon Court of Appeals Judge Rives Kistler. She received both her bachelor’s degree and her JD from the University of Oregon.
A favorite memory from law school?
“My favorite memory of law school is meeting my partner, Tami. She was a tutor in the Legal Research and Writing program and taught me how to do federal legislative history research. We’ve been together 22 years and she is far and away the best part of going to law school.”

Celia Howes was a partner at the Hoevet Olson Howes law firm, where she represented defendants in criminal proceedings in state and federal courts. She also served as a court-appointed trial attorney for indigent litigants, through the Criminal Justice Act Trial Panel. Previously, Howes practiced civil litigation at the Garvey Schubert Bauer law firm, after earning her bachelor’s degree from Texas A&M University.
How did your law education at University of Oregon help shape your career?
“When choosing where to attend law school, I was drawn to Oregon for how its community ethic stood out compared to the competitiveness apparent with other options. Sure enough, the students, faculty and staff fostered a culture of support and collegiality. I came to expect the same in my working career and the Oregon Bar did not disappoint. There’s always been a willing colleague to talk me through a thorny or novel issue, and I do my best to always help other lawyers with the same. We all carry a heavy load for our clients; it lightens the load if we do it together.”

Judge Miranda Summer
A favorite memory from law school.
“I'd say my favorite memory was getting to know my classmates. We used to sit in the commons (next to the windows, we called the space the fishbowl) and talk about everything and nothing. I have kept up with many of them and they are all doing great things, I'm so proud to know them. In my new position I am really looking forward to connecting with people and making my courtroom a place that people feel safe and heard.”
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