Ready, Set, Launch.
No matter your program, Oregon Law prepares you to succeed. Our JD graduates include federal and state court judges; large, medium, and small firm practitioners; corporate attorneys; public interest leaders and more. Our LLM graduates forge new paths in their specializations at home and around the world; and our CRES graduates are in our communities and work places resolving conflict.

Explore Career Options
The Center for Career Planning and Professional Development is your strategic partner for professional success as a JD student. Our attorney-counselors will help you explore career options and teach you how to develop and execute effective career plans. Through our comprehensive Career Exploration and Professional Planning course, tailored one-on-one counseling sessions, and extensive alumni and employer relationships, our attorney-counselors position every JD student and graduate to excel in their chosen career.
Law Ducks in Flight

In today’s legal marketplace, employers expect graduating students to have skills and experience that immediately add value. Our graduates are practice-ready given a vast selection of experiential learning opportunities, including:
- Clinical Programs
- Field Placements
- Pro Bono
- Law Journals
- Moot Court Competitions
- Fellowships
- Simulation Courses
Your legal training will give you the power to change lives, influence law and policy, and lead in your community.