Oregon Law Clinics

Work with real people in real situations.

Oregon Law's clinics give students exposure to the practice of law in a variety of different contexts. Whether a student's focus is on gaining generally applicable practice skills or on developing expertise in a particular substantive area, Oregon Law's clinics provide invaluable experience.

Kelsey Cunningham JD/CRES '20

“I have participated in the nonprofit clinic, the criminal defense clinic, and I was an intern at Youth, Rights and Justice. I think the most memorable experience was from the criminal defense clinic because you have the opportunity to represent real clients in court. It is the hands-on experience that you can’t get in a classroom and it is truly rewarding.”

– Kelsey Cunningham
   JD/CRES '20

Business Law Clinic

In the Business Law Clinic, which is housed at the law school, students have the opportunity to assist in representing business clients in a simulated law firm environment. Through intensive training under direct supervision, the clinic teaches students the skills necessary to practice transactional law. In the course of a semester, each clinic student assists in representing two businesses. Clinic students are responsible for all aspects of the representation from the initial meeting with the client to the final meeting in which the students present and explain the legal work performed. Types of legal work performed at the clinic include business entity formation, review and drafting of contracts for the sale of services or products, and advice on laws affecting various types of businesses. For questions, contact Mindy Wittkop.

Criminal Defense Clinic and Advanced Criminal Defense Clinic

Students in the Criminal Defense Clinic have the opportunity to work at Public Defender Services of Lane County. Students conduct client and witness interviews and investigations and help defend clients in a wide range of misdemeanor prosecutions in circuit court. For questions, contact Hugh Duvall and Reid Kajikawa.

Criminal Prosecution Clinic and Advanced Criminal Prosecution Clinic

The Criminal Prosecution Clinic, which is housed at the Lane County District Attorney’s Office, offers students the opportunity to prepare and try minor criminal cases under the supervision of an attorney and to assist senior prosecutors on felony cases. For questions, contact Michael Schneider.

Domestic Violence Protective Order Clinic and Advanced Domestic Violence Protective Order

The Domestic Violence Clinic offers two tracks, the Protective Order Clinic and the Civil Clinic (see below). Students enrolled in the Protective Order Clinic represent survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and other forms of intimate partner violence in protective order litigation, including restraining and stalking orders. For questions, contact Laurie Hauber.

Domestic Violence Civil Clinic and Advanced Domestic Violence Civil

The Domestic Violence Clinic offers two tracks, the Protective Order Clinic (see above) and the Civil Clinic. Students enrolled in the Civil Clinic represent survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and other forms of intimate partner violence in civil legal matters, including family law, housing, and employment issues. For questions, contact Laurie Hauber.

Environmental Law Clinic and Advanced Environmental Law Clinic

The Environmental Law Clinic is housed at the Western Environmental Law Center, a nonprofit public interest law firm with offices in Eugene, Taos, Seattle and Helena. Students work with WELC attorneys representing primarily conservation non-profit organizations in state and federal courts. Students work with attorneys on active and developing litigation in all of WELC’s practice groups—Public Lands, Western Wildlife, Fossil Fuels/Clean Energy, and Western Communities—and are engaged in intellectually challenging and creative work. For questions, contact Pete Frost.

Nonprofit Clinic

The Nonprofit Clinic is an interdisciplinary clinic that brings law students, Planning, Public Policy, and Management students and Conflict Resolution students together at the law school to serve the Oregon nonprofit community. Clinic students conduct an organizational assessment of several nonprofit organizations, draft an assessment report, and present their findings. Clinic students also facilitate a dialogue between the nonprofit organizations’ Executive Director and Board of Directors regarding recommendations. For questions, contact Roy Catalani.