The Legal Writer column appears in each issue of the Oregon State Bar Bulletin. It was created by Oregon Law professor Suzanne Rowe in 2006 and frequent contributors include LRW faculty Liz Frost, Rebekah Hanley, and Megan McAlpin.
The column takes a lighthearted look at the essential tool of lawyers and law students: writing.

Columns of Special Interest to Law Students
A complete list of articles appearing in The Legal Writer are posted on the OSB archive for The Legal Writer.
- Finessing Gendered Pronouns: Using the Singular “They” Clearly
- Irregularity and Other Challenges: Addressing Tricky Verbs
- An Economical Effect: Esquivalience – And Excellent 'E' Words
- Supreme Writing: Welcoming Our Newest Justice
- Avoiding Plagiarism: Give Credit Where It's Due by Taking Careful Notes
- Confessions: The Mistakes Legal Writing Professors Make, and How We Fix Them
- A Worthwhile Skill: The Upside of Diagramming Sentences
- Mental Shrinkage: The Many Costs of MultitaskingRun-on Sentence Outbreak! Examine Emails for Infection
- Finding a Good Book: Why Reading Good Writing Will Make You a Better Writer
- Take Note! Creating Knowledge Through Notes
- Breaking the Habits of the Inefficient: Procrastination and Writer's Block
- Commas for My Class