A long-standing tradition of illuminating the legal process.
Each year, the Oregon Supreme Court, hosted by Oregon Law’s top ranked LRW program, visits Oregon Law to hear oral arguments and engage directly with our students and the broader legal community. The court’s annual visit, which began in 1977, has become a highlight of the law school calendar.

During the visit, the court hears oral arguments in two pending cases before an audience of first-year law students, Lane County Bar members, and the general public. After the proceedings, justices answer questions from the audience. Student questions have touched on judicial approaches to statutory interpretation, career paths, and post-graduate clerkship opportunities.

After the proceedings, the justices join selected students and Oregon Law faculty for a luncheon in the Knight Law Center.

This more than forty-year tradition continues to afford unrivaled experiential learning and professional development opportunities to our students, our faculty, and the greater community.