A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P| Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
1st Generation College Graduates (FGCG)
We help first generation college graduates find successful careers as attorneys in private law firms and judicial clerkships. Only 22% of law school students are first generation students. However, this group of students is often overlooked in law school. Statistically, first generation law students lack the connections and resources to achieve higher socio-economic legal careers like Big Law positions and federal clerkships. The mission of the FGCG club is to help bridge this gap for first-generation students at UO Law.
Contact: Abagail Oswald abagail@uoregon.edu
Affinity Organization Coalition
The purpose of the Affinity Organization Coalition is strategic advocacy on behalf of the University of Oregon School of Law’s minority community. The Coalition also exists to provide a forum for dialogue and action on topics and issues that impact the School’s minority community. In support of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Action Plan (DAP), the Coalition exists to provide the School Administrators with information and advice regarding issues that impact minority faculty, staff and employees.
Contact: Aimee Morales amoral10@uoregon.edu
American Constitution Society (ACS)
The ACS's goals are "to support and advocate for laws and legal systems that redress the founding failures of our Constitution, strengthen our democratic legitimacy, uphold the rule of law, and realize the promise of equality for all, including people of color, women, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, and other historically excluded communities."
Contact: Ethan Smith etsm@uoregon.edu
Asian Pacific American Law Student Association (APALSA)
Asian Pacific American Law Student Association is an affinity group that provides a voice for the Asian minority groups in UO's law school. We are dedicated to helping students navigate the legal world and engaging in diverse conversations in support of more Asian lawyers around the pacific northwest.
Contact: Jamie Tang jamct@uoregon.edu; Savannah Ceballos ceballos@uoregon.edu
The Black Law Students Association (BLSA)
The Black Law Student Association (BLSA) at the University of Oregon is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and supportive community for Black law students. We strive to empower future Black lawyers through leadership development, mentorship, and advocacy. Our mission is to uplift and inspire excellence within our community, ensuring that every member has the resources and opportunities to thrive in the legal profession. By promoting diversity and equity, we aim to create a more just and inclusive legal system for all.
Contact: Maxwell Graves mgrav@uoregon.edu
Child and Family Law Association (CFLA)
The Child & Family Law Association's purpose is to learn about and assist children and their family. CFLA hosts panel discussions, professional networking opportunities, and social events within the community for Oregon Law students to learn more about Child and Family Law. This area of law stretches beyond juvenile defense, divorce proceedings, adoption, and child custody laws to also include students pursuing a career as a professor, mediator, judge, or non-profit director.
Contact: Katie Rodrigues krod@uoregon.edu; Savannah Ceballos ceballos@uoregon.edu
Criminal Defense Association
We are the affiliated law student chapter of Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association (OCDLA). We’re a group dedicated to the expansion of criminal defense at Oregon Law through community, networking, and events.
Contact: Luke Parks lparks@uoregon.edu
Disc-trict Court
Disc-trict Court is an intramural ultimate frisbee team made up of law students. As the sole semestered program at UO, this team allows law students to participate in weekly ultimate frisbee outside the limitations of the Rec Center's quarter system programming. Disc-trict Court provides students with a much-needed weekly study break, in a fun environment that celebrates the spirit of the game. Our mission is to foster community between law classmates through sport.
Contact: Nicole Morshead nicolemo@uoregon.edu or Jennika Paulson jpaulso@uoregon.edu
Estate Planning and Probate Law Forum (EPPLF)
The goal of Estate Planning and Probate Law Forum (EPPLF) is to provide an opportunity for students who are interested in estate planning and probate to learn about practicing in the area and make connections. The primary purpose of EPPLF is to invite a series of estate planning and probate attorneys to speak at seminars and attend events with students.
Contact: Natalie Lenard nlenard@uoregon.edu
Federalist Society
The Federalist Society, comprised of conservatives and libertarians, fosters intellectual discourse on legal and constitutional issues through regular speaking events, debates, and discussions. Members are committed to the principles that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to our Constitution, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be. We aim to promote open discourse through our speaker events and connect students with the organization's vast networking pool.
Contact: Patrick Bigelow pbigelow@uoregon.edu; Alina Lawrence alawre10@uoregon.edu
Green Business Initiative (GBI)
The Green Business Initiative (GBI) is comprised of graduate students from the University of Oregon School of Law and the Lundquist College of Business. GBI members are interested in how law, policy, and business interact to help solve pressing environmental issues. GBI's mission is to promote awareness of sustainable business practices and the legal framework that supports green business. GBI facilitates discourse on these issues with regular speaking events and its annual Green Business Symposium.
Contact: Topher Kittilson cmki@uoregon.edu; Sam Leyba leyba@uoregon.edu
Immigration Law Students Association (ILSA)
ILSA strives to educate students and community members of the complex struggles and nature of immigration law while creating a safe environment for all involved.
Contact: Calvin Askew calvina@uoregon.edu or Miles Berry mberry7@uoregon.edu
J. Reuben Clark Society
The J. Reuben Clark Law Society's purpose is to provide a base for students who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to connect with each other, their peers in law school, Latter-day Saint Attorneys, and the Eugene community. We seek to conduct service projects and socials. All are welcome.
Contact: Sarah Quesenberry saqu@uoregon.edu; Garrett Sebra gsebra@uoregon.edu
Jewish Law Student Association (JLSA)
The Jewish Law Student Association (JLSA) at the University of Oregon School of Law seeks to provide a relaxed and welcoming community for Jewish law students, and any student who wishes to learn more about and participate in different facets of Jewish culture. Membership is casual, and the group is open to University of Oregon students in the law, LLM, and CRES programs. We plan to invite students to join us for different events like lunchtime meetings, Shabbat dinners, holiday celebrations and educational programs. Through these events, we aim to foster an atmosphere of learning, promote inclusion, and make friends! As always, anyone is welcome.
Contact: Sophie Olson solson5@uoregon.edu; Ethan Brody ebrody7@uoregon.edu
Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation (JELL)
The Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation (JELL) was founded in 1985 by participants at the University of Oregon School of Law's Public Interest Environmental Law Conference. As a student-run law journal, JELL provides a forum for groundbreaking and cutting-edge scholarship in environmental and natural resources law. Now onto its 40th Volume, JELL continues to publish on contemporary topics including renewable energy, environmental justice, and international environmental law.
Contact: Elizabeth Osgood eosgood@uoregon.edu
Labor/Employment Relations Association, UO Chapter (LERA)
The mission of UO LERA is to foster communication and innovation among workers, management, and neutrals; educate and train the local community about labor and employment practices and rights; and affirm fundamental worker and human rights in the workplace. LERA encourages research in all aspects of the fields of labor, employment, and the workplace. We help graduate students build professional relationships now to help them succeed in their careers.
Contacts: Sean Bonfield bonfield@uoregon.edu; Morgan Self morganse@uoregon.edu
Land Air Water (LAW)
Land Air Water (LAW) is the nation’s oldest and largest student environmental law society. LAW’s first and foremost activity is organizing the Public Interest Environmental Law Conference (PIELC). Every year, more than 3,000 activists, attorneys, students, scientists, policymakers, and concerned citizens come from around the world to collaborate on a variety of environmental issues. This year, in addition to planning PIELC, Land Air Water hopes to be on the front lines of environmental action in Eugene.
Contact: Morgan McWilliams mmcwill3@uoregon.edu; Keiran Hadley keiranh@uoregon.edu
Latine Law Student Association (LLSA)
Our goal is to build community and increase diversity in the legal field while raising awareness of Latino/a culture on campus and legal issues facing Latino/as. We strive to provide a forum for students belonging to and interested in Latino/a culture to grow together to make change.
Contact: Gabriel Rivas grivas@uoregon.edu; Isabel Sebra isebra@uoregon.edu
Law and Entrepreneurship Student Association (LESA)
LESA's purpose is to provide a forum for discussing business and entrepreneurship while supporting students as they pursue a career in business law. The primary goals for 2024-2025 are to expand the club's membership, maintain relations with clubs within and outside the law school, and provide students with greater access to legal professionals within the business and transactional sphere.
Contact: Jessica Toledo Hernandez jest@uoregon.edu; Lynnette Tanaka lynnette@uoregon.edu
Law of Intellectual Property (LIP)
We seek to introduce and expand interest in the fields of Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights at the UO. We hope to bring panelists with inside looks into practice and licensing.
Contact: Kevin Liu kyl@uoregon.edu; Dallin Snyder dallins@uoregon.edu
Moot Court Board
The Moot Court Board (MCB) at the University of Oregon School of Law is dedicated to providing students with opportunities to develop and refine essential legal skills. Our goal is to enhance students’ critical thinking, research, and persuasive writing skills, as well as to encourage teamwork, leadership, and professional development. With the assistance and mentorship of practicing attorneys, we strive to equip our members with the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to succeed in the legal profession.
Contact: mootcourt@uoregon.edu
National Lawyers Guild (NLG)
Our mission is to use law for the people, uniting lawyers, law students, legal workers, and jailhouse lawyers to function as an effective force in the service of the people by valuing human rights over property interests. The National Lawyers Guild is committed to radical, compassionate change. Our chapter is dedicated to supporting our community through days of service, engagement, and challenging the harmful status quo.
Contact: Chloe Harvell charvel4@uoregon.edu; Hunter Briggs hunterbr@uoregon.edu; Helen Ingraham Tuttle heleni@uoregon.edu
Native American Law Students Association (NALSA)
The Native American Law Students Association is an inclusive affinity group which aims to uplift indigenous law students and the study of Indian law as a whole. Our organization is focused on community-building, both within the law school and beyond. Each year, we offer a robust moot court opportunity through the National NALSA chapter and take students to the Federal Indian Law Conference. Whether you are affiliated with a tribe, discovering yourself, interested in Indian law, or simply looking for friendship, NALSA is the place for you.
Contact: Kiyava Deville kdeville@uoregon.edu; Alex Shadle ashadle@uoregon.edu
Oregon Law Fisheries Advocates (OLFA)
We connect the recreational and experience-based side of fisheries and fishing with practical legal experience by taking people fishing and also working with local organizations to help protect fisheries
Contact: Maxwell McCool mccool@uoregon.edu
Oregon Law and Technology Society (LawTech)
The Oregon Law & Technology Society (LawTech) at the University of Oregon aims to provide a community for law students to gain insight and knowledge about the latest developments and trends in technology law. The club will allow students to engage in discussions, attend guest speaker events, and gain a deeper understanding of technology law and its impact on society. The field of technology law is rapidly growing and evolving, covering issues such as privacy, data protection, intellectual property, and cybersecurity. LawTech welcomes law students interested in learning and discussing technology law, regardless of prior experience.
Contact: Kaili Ayers kayer@uoregon.edu; Phuong Tran phuongtr@uoregon.edu
Oregon Law Review (OLR)
Oregon Law Review was founded in 1921 by the faculty at the University of Oregon School of Law. It is the oldest continuously published law journal in the Pacific Northwest and has been run by students since 1967. Contributors to the Review have included scholars, practitioners, judges, and even Justices of the US Supreme Court. With each issue we publish, the Oregon Law Review staff seeks to advance legal scholarship with innovative, top-quality articles. We are committed to improving the diversity of the articles we publish and of the members we select to join the Oregon Law Review staff.
Contact: Molly Quillin mollyq@uoregon.edu
Oregon Law Run Club
Oregon Law Run Club is a new student organization with a mission of fostering healthy habits and building camaraderie among the students and faculty of Oregon Law by hosting group walks/runs. People of all skill levels are welcome! Whether you are a veteran long-distance runner, or it is your first time running, all are welcome! Our run club will host weekly events where students, faculty, and staff at the law school can walk or run together.
Contacts: Hiatt Holman hiatth@uoregon.edu and Bradley Gonzales bgon@uoregon.edu
Oregon Law Students Aligned Against Ableism (OLSAAA)
OLSAAA wants every student to know and understand that while every body and brain is different, we are all one community that should support each other to learn in the ways that are best for us. Law school is intimidating and can feel competitive in many ways, and if you are someone who deals with any kind of disability, it can be even more daunting! Rather than feeling shame, changing our routine to "fit in", or ignoring these differences – let's meet together and discuss ways to create a community that not only welcomes but encourages different types of learning and communication styles. Every type of learner deserves the best educational and social experience possible, and OLSAAA wants to make that happen starting with normalizing the conversations around ability, disability, and accommodations.
Contact: Sorina Radu sorina@uoregon.edu
Oregon Law Students’ Public Interest Fund (OLSPIF)
Oregon Law Students Public Interest Fund (OLSPIF) supports our future public service leaders seeking to promote access to justice and serve underrepresented communities. OLSPIF’s mission is to raise the funds needed to provide stipends for students seeking to work in public interest opportunities during the summer through our annual OLSPIF auction. OLSPIF-funded stipends provide assistance towards living expenses to ease the financial burden of public interest work as a law student.
Contact: Alexia Hahn alexiah@uoregon.edu; Melody Britton mbritto4@uoregon.edu
Oregon Review of International Law (ORIL)
ORIL’s purpose is to contribute to contemporary legal scholarship on international and comparative law. We look for quality authors and engaging articles that will represent our institution well. We strive to develop our recognition and reputation as a legal journal by maintaining the utmost quality and interesting articles.
Contact: Madison Perdue mperdue4@uoregon.edu
OUTLaws works to promote LGBTQIA+ involvement in the legal profession and foster a positive environment for LGBTQIA+ law students at the University of Oregon School of Law. We provide educational, networking, and community engagement opportunities for LGBTQIA+ law students and their allies. We are an educational, political, and social alliance working toward fostering and maintaining an environment that is supportive, positive, and safe for individuals of sexuality and gender diversity. In striving for a greater understanding of LGBTQIA+ interests at Oregon Law and beyond, we aim to address the complex legal issues associated with sexuality and gender diversity, providing resources and support for social activism.
Contact: Cade Cantrell mcan@uoregon.edu
Partnership of Artistic Legal Students (PALS)
PALS is dedicated to providing a creative outlet for all law students interested in any of the arts or humanities. As well, PALS intends to provide any support necessary for students to succeed in creative facets by providing a community of others and by providing aide where necessary. Overall, it is designed to bring a creative outlet to an otherwise un-creative profession. No experience in any arts is required whatsoever and anyone is welcome to participate.
Contact: Michael Lapio mlapio@uoregon.edu
Sports and Entertainment Law Forum (SELF)
SELF's purpose is to expose students to different career opportunities in the sports and entertainment law fields. Students will have the opportunity to go to sports law competitions, attend panels with sports and entertainment lawyers, and discuss current sports and entertainment news. SELF will also both host and collaborate with other clubs for social events related to sports.
Student Advocacy and Action for Environmental Justice (SAAEJ)
Student Advocacy and Action for Environmental Justice (SAAEJ) seeks to pursue goals of equity and justice as they intersect with environmentalism. To do so, SAAEJ works to 1) foster dialogue at UO Law about environmental justice issues and strategies through seminars and speaker events and 2) engage in environmental justice activities and community-based projects.
Contact: Are you interested in learning more or serving in a leadership role with SAAEJ? Please contact the ENR Center enr@uoregon.edu
Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF)
The group's purpose is to spread awareness regarding animal rights. Our primary goal for the 2024-2025 academic year is to introduce law students to animal advocacy, create a stronger relationship with animals, and spread awareness of laws surrounding animals.
Contact: Jaileen Carreno jbca@uoregon.edu
Student Bar Association (SBA)
SBA is the law student government: elected representatives from each class serve as a resource and liaison in matters involving the school administration, faculty, and student services. Every student at the law school is automatically a member of SBA, this includes all JD students, LL.M students, and CRES students. Our main goal is to strengthen the community within the Law building. Additionally, SBA serves as a pillar to uplift and co-sponsor other student organizations here at the UO Law School.
Student for Tax Advocacy (STAx)
Student for Tax Advocacy focuses on cultivating interest in local, state, federal and international tax law. Our primary goal is to host networking events, job placement, and career advice through professional connections.
Contact: Andy Essa aessa@uoregon.edu
Women’s Law Forum (WLF)
The Women's Law Forum is one of the oldest and largest law student organizations at the University of Oregon School of Law. The purpose of the Women's Law Forum is to provide just that: a forum for women in the law school. Through the organization of on-campus events and fundraisers, the WLF provides students with opportunities to network with legal professionals as well as learn about social and legal issues that affect women in the legal profession. WLF is dedicated to actively promoting equality and the fair treatment of women in the legal profession and in society as a whole.
Contact: Savannah Ceballos ceballos@uoregon.edu; Lauren Smith lsmit@uoregon.edu