2019 DC Practicum

ENR Delegation with Prof Dotson in front of the White House in DC

From the classroom to Congress: Oregon Law students in DC

“What is public policy, why does it matter, and how is it made?” Assistant Professor Greg Dotson posed this question to his law students enrolled in the Oregon Law Environmental Policy Practicum.

The ten law students had the entire semester not only to answer those questions, but to present their own research and recommendations to the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis in the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC. The House created the committee in January of 2019 and charged it with submitting climate policy recommendations to Congress by March 31, 2020.


In the class, Dotson tries to demystify the policymaking world. He talks about the theoretical underpinnings of policymaking as well as the real-world efforts that result in environmental protection or other desired policy outcomes.

“Crafting public policy can be as much art as science and efforts to change policy often see as much failure as success,” said Dotson. “A well-crafted public policy can promote competition, innovation, efficiency, environmental protection or other desired policy outcomes. It can be transparent and responsive to constituents and can foster faith in the democratic process and our representative form of government.”

Grace Brahler, JD ‘20, who participated in the course, hopes to pursue a career in environmental policy after graduating next Spring. She says that she has always been interested in working for a state or local governmental entity, but this experience made her more open to working at the federal level.

“It was invaluable to see our political institutions in a more personal manner,” Brahler said. “I'm optimistic about the ability to create positive change from within the system after doing so.”

According to House Resolution 6, the Select Committee is to “investigate, study, make findings, and develop recommendations on policies, strategies, and innovations to achieve substantial and permanent reductions in pollution and other activities that contribute to the climate crisis which will honor our responsibility to be good stewards of the planet for future generations.”

The students worked for 10 weeks under the supervision of Dotson to research and draft recommendations to assist the committee in its work.

The class also examined environmental policymaking through academic readings, lectures, guest speakers and discussion of policy case studies. The class explored the practical aspects of engaging in both the legislative process and the administrative rulemaking process. They also explored how to effectively support policy development through analysis and data generation.

University of Oregon School of Law

Practicum Snapshot

weeks of preparation
policy papers
days in washington, dc

Briefing the House Select Committee on the climate crisis

Over the last year, the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis of the US House of Representatives has received recommendations from young climate leaders, policy specialists, business leaders, and state and local officials at meetings and hearings held in Washington, DC and around the country.

The Oregon Law students submitted their policy reports with recommendations to the House Select Committee during a November 2019 trip to Washington, DC.

Oregon Law students meet with alumna and House Representative Susanne Bonamici (BA '80, JD '83)
Oregon Law students meet with alumna and House Representative Suzanne Bonamici 

University of Oregon alumna and US Representative Suzanne Bonamici, BA '80 JD '83, who is a member of the committee, says they hope to produce bold, tangible policy recommendations to address climate change and reach net-zero emissions.

“I am eager to include the perspectives of Oregonians in our work to address this critical issue, which threatens our planet but also presents an opportunity for transformative leadership,” Bonamici said. “As an alumna of the University of Oregon School of Law, I am grateful that students are engaged in producing thoughtful recommendations for our Committee on port electrification, urban forestry, zero emission vehicles, and labor standards.”


Marissa Galloway JD ’20, along with Alexandria Roullier JD ’20 and Tom Housel JD ’20, present their policy research on integrating labor standards into climate change policy to the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis.

Marissa Galloway JD ’20, along with Alexandria Roullier JD ’20 and Tom Housel JD ’20, present their policy research on integrating labor standards into climate change policy to the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis. The US House of Representatives created this committee in 2018 with the charge of developing climate policy recommendations for congressional action.

Summaries of the student reports

Policy Options for Attaching Labor Standards to Employment in the Clean Energy Technology Sector

Authors: Mari Galloway, Alexandria Roullier, Tom Housel, Advisor: Deb Mailander, University of Oregon Labor Education and Research Center Department Manager

This report identifies and recommends potential policy options to ensure high-road labor standards are met in the clean energy sector. The report begins by identifying high-road labor standards that could improve workers’ job quality. Then, the report discusses federal actions, such as federal contracts, grants, tax credits, or other incentives, that could be tied to improved labor standards in order to expand the adoption and acceptance of the labor standards. The report also discusses how policymakers could establish a certification program to expand the potential reach of high-road labor standards beyond manufacturing into the service sector.

Full Report


Sierra Waechter JD ’21 presents research on emissions from the transportation sector while her teammates Whit Koch JD ’20 and Jake Miller JD ’20 look on.

Sierra Waechter, JD ’21, presents research on emissions from the transportation sector while her teammates Whit Koch, JD ’20, and Jake Miller, JD ’20, look on.

National Zero Emission Vehicle Program

Authors: Whit Koch, Jake Miller, and Sierra Waechter

Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) offer a technological tool for driving down carbon emissions from the transportation sector. This report first examines the existing programs to encourage ZEV deployment around the world, including programs in California, China, and the European Union.  The report then identifies and discusses possible pathways to promote national ZEV use in the United States, including through congressional and administrative action.

Full Report


My group worked very hard to produce a product worthy of presenting to an outside entity. Going on the trip to DC and meeting the committee itself, seeing the environment in which they work, and presenting our final products to them make the most impact on me. I enjoyed working on something that I could see actually applied to a real-world experience. I was reminded of how valuable practical experience is to be prepared to work in the real world after graduation.

—Sierra Waechter, JD ’21

United States Port Electrification

Authors: Connor Harrington, Grace Brahler

This report examines the challenge posed by emissions from the nation’s ports and offers recommendations on tackling those emissions through electrification. The report identifies and analyzes federal laws applicable to ocean-going vessels, cargo equipment, and drayage trucks. It then examines the experience with electrification at various US ports, where innovative efforts have already demonstrated significant success in cutting pollution through electrification. Finally, the report recommends a planning-based approach to encourage all of the nation’s ports to electrify their operations.

Full Report

Grace Brahler JD ’20 and Connor Harrington LLM ’20 present their research on policy related to electrifying the nation’s seaports.

Grace Brahler, JD ’20, and Connor Harrington, LLM ’20, present their research on policy related to electrifying the nation’s seaports.



Catherine Pratt JD '20 and Renee Seacor JD '20 present their research on the challenge and opportunity of increasing tree cover in urban areas

Catherine Pratt, JD '20, and Renee Seacor, JD '20, present their research on the challenge and opportunity of increasing tree cover in urban areas

Urban Forestry in the United States and Policy Recommendations for Increasing Tree Growth in Urban Areas

Authors: Renee Seacor, Catherine Pratt

This paper analyzes urban forestry programs in the US and the ways that these programs can be supplemented or adjusted in order to increase overall tree growth in urban areas. The report first synthesizes the existing best available science and research on the major environmental and public health benefits of urban forests. The report then examines the urban forestry programs in two major cities, Atlanta and New York City, to identify where cities have found challenges in maintaining and expanding urban forests. After providing an overview on the US Urban Community Forestry Program and the Land and Water Conservation Fund, the report offers the Committee policy recommendations on increasing urban forests in cities across the US.

Full Report


The career connection

Prior to coming to Oregon Law, Assistant Professor Greg Dotson, JD ’95, worked in Washington, DC for two decades. During that time, he worked as a key energy and environment congressional staffer and subsequently at a leading policy think tank. His work focused on environmental protection and policies to address the challenge of climate change. Now, he teaches Oregon Law students to do the same through the Environmental Policy Practicum Course.

Created by Dotson in 2017, the popular course attracts law students who are interested in public policy and environmental law. Dotson mentors the group of students and introduces them to the inner workings of the Oregon State Capitol and Washington, DC. He also uses his connections in both Oregon and DC to show students that there are significant professional opportunities in the policymaking world.

“Policymaking utilizes many skills students learn in law school, such as legal research and advocacy,” said Dotson. “This course draws on these skills and also provides a structured approach for learning about and engaging in this policymaking world for the purpose of gaining practical and marketable experience.”

By addressing a policy challenge like climate change in particular, Dotson says that Oregon Law students use multi-disciplinary skills, such as practical application of political science, economics, public administration and any number of other subject matter disciplines.

Sen. Merkley speaking with UO law students in DC
Connor Harrington, LLM ‘20, and other practicum students discuss their research with US Senator Jeff Merkley in the US Capitol

Connor Harrington, LLM '20, who was part of the port electrification work group, says that the course helped prepare him to engage in thoughtful dialogue on environmental issues at many layers of government and the private sector as well.

“This experience broadened my career ambitions and affirmed that environmental protection advocacy is an important and much needed pursuit,” said Harrington.

Harrington plans to use the experience to deepen his current work for cleaner transportation at the state level.

From Oregon to DC--Oregon Law alumni from across the nation work in public interest and government positions. In Oregon alone, there are 522 dedicated law ducks who work in the public sector.

Oregon Law alumni work at local, state and federal institutions including:

  • City of Eugene, Portland, Springfield and Woodburn

  • Lane, Multnomah and Deschutes County

  • TriMet

  • State of Oregon Attorney General’s Office

  • University of Oregon

  • US Department of Justice

  • US Senate

  • US Congress


UO Law student Tom Housel speaking in DC

 “I came to law school with a purpose, and this class is directly in line with that purpose. It has been the most important practical class that I’ve taken in law school.”

Tom Housel, JD ‘20

Meet Greg Dotson

Assistant Professor Greg Dotson speaking in DC


Oregon Law’s Environmental Policy Practicum came from the passion that Assistant Professor Greg Dotson has for environmental law. Dotson knew that this type of experience would help prepare students to truly be a part of the policymaking process at all levels of government.

Over the past three years, practicum partners have included local and state agencies, federal and state legislative committees and environmental groups.

The practicum is not the only project on Dotson’s schedule. He teaches Climate Change Law and Policy and is the lead-faculty member on the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Center’s Energy Law and Policy Project (ELPP). This inter-disciplinary research project allows law fellows to explore innovative law and policy to promote a clean energy future.

Two of Dotson’s most recent publications include: State Authority to Regulate Mobile Source Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Part 1: History and Current Challenge and The Carbon Tax Vote You've Never Heard of and What It Portends.


Ducks in Congress

Where green and yellow meet red, white, and blue

Sen. Peter Defazio with UO Law students in DC

Rep. Peter DeFazio, MA '77, meets with Oregon Law students in DC

Currently four of the seven elected officials from Oregon are Ducks. These alumni serve on several committees which are integral to the work of Congress in determining the policy needs of the nation and acting on them.


Sen. Ron Wyden Official Photo

Sen. Ron Wyden, JD ’74

Wyden is the senior United States Senator for Oregon and has served since 1996. He was previously the representative for Oregon’s 3rd congressional district as a Democrat from 1981 to 1996. Wyden is next up for reelection in 2022.

Committees: Finance (Ranking Member), Energy and Natural Resources, Budget, Select Committee on Intelligence and the Joint Committee on Taxation (Leading Senate Democrat)

Rep. Suzanne Bonamici Official Photo

Rep. Suzanne Bonamici, BA ’80, JD ‘83

Bonamici is the representative for Oregon’s 1st congressional district. The district includes Washington, Yamhill, Clatsop, and Columbia counties and part of Multnomah County. She has served since Feb 7, 2012. Bonamici is next up for reelection in 2020.

Committees: Education and Labor (Chair of the Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Human Services), Science, Space, and Technology and Select Committee on the Climate Crisis

Rep. Peter Defazio Official Photo

Rep. Peter DeFazio, MA '77

DeFazio is the representative for Oregon’s 4th congressional district. The district includes Benton, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Josephine, Lane, and Linn counties. He was first elected to the US Congress in 1986 and is now the longest serving House member in Oregon’s history. DeFazio is next up for reelection in 2020.

Committee: House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee (Chair)

Rep. Greg Walden Official Photo

Rep. Greg Walden, BS ‘81

Walden is the representative for Oregon’s 2nd congressional district, which includes 20 counties in central, southern, and eastern Oregon. He has served since 1999 and has announced that he is retiring and will not run for re-election in 2020. 

Committee: Energy and Commerce (Republican Leader)


"Meeting with Oregon representatives and senators really helped me connect being both a citizen of my home community and addressing environmental harms on a larger scale. It was great to see Oregon representatives fighting for environmental issues at the federal level that will directly affect Oregon communities at the local level."

Renee Seacor, JD ’20