ENR News and Events

Professor Michael Fahkri, who is currently serving as the United Nations Special Rapporteur On The Right To Food, will deliver the Kent Law annual Centre for Critical International Law (CeCIL) lecture on the topic of impact of Covid-19 on food security and global food supply on Monday March 8 at 11am PST. The title of his lecture is "The Radical Potential of the Right to Food," and it
John Leshy is emeritus professor at U.C. Hastings College of the Law and former Solicitor (general counsel) of the U.S. Department of the Interior. On March 1, Yale University Press will publish his book Our Common Ground.  It’s the first comprehensive history of America’s public lands — those managed by the National Park Service, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S.
Professor Mary Wood, Philip H. Knight Professor from the University of Oregon, will discuss Nature’s Trust: Protecting An Ecological Endowment for Posterity at the virtual 33rd Environmental Law Distinguished Visitor Lecture at Lewis and Clark Law School on March 16, 2022.
Visiting Assistant Professor Tade Oyewunmi's recent article, "An Instrumental Perspective on Power-to-Gas Hydrogen, and a Spotlight on New York's Emerging Climate and Energy Policy," was among the Environmental Law Institute's 20 Best Articles of 2020-2021. 
Marcilynn A. Burke, Dean of the University of Oregon School of Law, was recently confirmed to the five-member Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC). Governor Kate Brown nominated Dean Burke, the Dave Frohnmayer Chair in Leadership and Law, to serve on this volunteer commission.
Worthington’s gift will help Wood and the ENR Center create a framework for atmospheric recovery plans for Northwest forests, putting nature’s most powerful carbon sponges to use. 
Around the O: UO experts weigh in on the COP26 UN climate summit, Professor Mary Woods provides legal commentary.
A recent $100,000 gift from a Bend brewery owner will allow the UO School of Law to pursue groundbreaking work through its highly ranked Environmental and Natural Resources Center.
Philip H. Knight Professor Mary Wood has received the Oregon State Bar President’s Sustainability Award. Wood is the Faculty Director of Oregon Law’s nationally top ranked Environmental and Natural Resources Law Center.