Profile picture of Erik Girvan

Erik Girvan

Bernard B. Kliks Professor of Law | Associate Dean for Academic Affairs | Executive Director, Law & Conflict Studies

Law, Law-JD, Law-CRES, Appropriate Dispute Resolution Center, Family Law
Phone: 541-346-8934
Office: 347 Knight Law Center


Dr. Erik Girvan is Bernard B. Kliks Professor of Law, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, and Executive Director of Law and Conflict Studies at the University of Oregon School of Law. Erik earned his J.D. at Harvard Law School and Ph.D. (Social and Political Psychology) at the University of Minnesota. As a practicing attorney, Erik litigated over 100 complex commercial cases in various federal and state jurisdictions across the country. Erik’s research investigates intergroup conflict, including how group-based stereotypes, attitudes, and other biases might impact decisions in the legal system and related contexts, such as school discipline. In collaboration with a diverse variety of legal and other professionals, Erik also develops and tests practical ways to reduce or eliminate the impacts of biases and make conflicts, where they occur, more constructive. In his administrative roles, Erik oversees the curriculum, academic policies and processes, and instruction in the JD, LLM, Legal Studies, and CRES programs. Erik also teaches courses related to civil litigation, the psychology and law of discrimination, and the psychology of conflict.