Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation

Editors | Subscribe | Submit | Archives

The Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation (JELL) has provided an international, unbiased forum for new ideas and theories in environmental and natural resources law since 1985.

JELL publishes cutting-edge and groundbreaking scholarship on contemporary topics including renewable energy, environmental justice, and international environmental law. 

Journal Editors

JELL encourages students to become exceptional editors, writers, and scholars while serving an integral role at the University of Oregon School of Law's nationally and internationally recognized environmental law program. 

Contact JELL

2024–25 JELL Editorial board


Editor in Chief

Elizabeth Osgood 

Operations Editor

Tristan Tellier

Articles Editors

Abigail Fierce 


William Rath

Executive Editors

Melody Britton 


Ryan Smith


Miranda Vermeer

Managing Editors

Samantha Cho


Claire Malone


Kirean McKee

Associate Editor

Kyra Deminski

Staff Editors

Daniel Billick


Alicia Davis


Maxwell Graves


Charles Gruber


Laurette Miller


Jennika Paulson


Brenton Riddle


Rachel Schelle


Nia Suryanata


Jarrett Tardiff


Katelyn Tender


Melinda Yang


JELL annual subscriptions are $36.00. Single copies of past issues are $12.00 each. 

Mail your subscription request along with a check payable to Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation to:

Editor in Chief
Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation
University of Oregon School of Law
1221 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1221


Email JELL to subscribe.

Submission Process

JELL publishes articles and book reviews from professors and practitioners. Manuscripts from all points of view are welcome, and JELL does not maintain a position on any issue. Our goal is to publish timely pieces demonstrating sound legal analysis and policy arguments representing a broad spectrum of positions.

Unsolicited Manuscripts

JELL encourages the submission of unsolicited manuscripts on timely issues relating to environmental or natural resources law and litigation. Submissions must be unpublished. If any portion of the manuscript has been published previously, or will be published elsewhere, the author must include this information at the time of submission.

How to make a submission

Prospective authors may submit manuscripts to JELL in Microsoft Word (or comparable format) via Scholasticaemail, or by mail in hard copy. Manuscripts submitted by mail will not be returned.

Articles Editor
Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation
University of Oregon School of Law
1221 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403

Email your submission.

Submission Format

Typical submissions are under 25,000 words (including footnotes). Articles in excess of 25,000 words will be accepted only in exceptional circumstances. Submissions should include a cover letter, the author's pertinent contact information, and a curriculum vitae or resume. Submissions should conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed. 2020) and The Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed. 2017). Authors who cite sources that are difficult or impossible to find will be expected to provide JELL with a copy of the source upon request and within a reasonable time.

Review Process

Please allow 2 to 3 weeks for preliminary review. JELL will attempt to honor requests for expedited review if sufficient notice is given.

Editing Process

JELL reserves editorial privilege with regard to all matters of form, including but not limited to diction, grammar, spelling, syntax, and matters of convention, as well as the substantive accuracy of citations.

Digitized issues from 1986 to present are available from HeinOnline (login required).