Oregon Law Alumni Awards

Oregon Law joins together to celebrate the recipients of the John E. Jaqua Distinguished Alumni Award, Minoru Yasui Justice Award, and the Outstanding Recent Alumni Award.

Each year the University of Oregon School of Law calls out for nominations for Alumni Awards. The goal is to showcase amazing and talented alumni in our community. We rely on you, our alumni and friends, to help nominate the best candidates possible. You know best who has built a career that personifies Oregon Law’s spirit of excellence and service.

We invite you to submit your nominations of worthy individuals for the John E. Jaqua Distinguished Alumni Award, the Minoru Yasui Justice Award and the Outstanding Recent Alumni Award. Please fill out the online form using the nomination form button below. Nominations accepted until Friday, July 26.  

Nomination Form 

The John E. Jaqua Distinguished Alumni Award is presented to an alumnus whose personal and professional achievements and loyalty to Oregon Law exemplify the highest quality and ethical standards of the School of Law. The Distinguished Alumnus Award is named after its first recipient, the late John E. Jaqua.

Oregon Law Outstanding Recent Alumni Award is awarded to an Oregon Law graduate who has made significant career, leadership, or service contributions to their community, the School of Law, or the legal profession. The award recognizes accomplishments within their first 10 years after graduation.

The Minoru Yasui Justice Award will be given to an Oregon Law graduate, faculty member, or friend of Oregon Law whose commitment to advancing the cause of justice on behalf of underrepresented communities brings honor to the school. The award is named in recognition of Presidential Medal of Freedom winner and Oregon Law Alumnus, Minoru Yasui. 

Nomination Form