John Bonine
Professor of Law | Bernard B. Kliks Professor
John Bonine is one of the pioneers of environmental law in the United States and a professor in Oregon's LL.M. program. He was a Legislative Assistant in the U.S. Senate in 1972 and then moved to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. He rose to the supervisory position of Associate General Counsel before joining the University of Oregon in 1978. While at Oregon, he has created or co-founded numerous institutions: the world's first environmental law clinic (now the Western Environmental Law Center); the Public Interest Environmental Law Conferences; the Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide; a domestic network of public interest environmental lawyers in the United States; a discussion network of environmental law professors (ENVLAWPROFESSORS); and the Oregon-Lviv University Partnership.
He is co-author of two textbooks, The Law of Environmental Protection and Human Rights and the Environment. In recent years, his scholarship has focused particularly on public participation and access to justice in environmental decision-making. Bonine teaches Administrative Law, Comparative Environmental Law, Constitutional Law, Environmental Law, and the LL.M. Seminar. He is a member of the Commission on Environmental Law of the World Conservation Union and an elected member of the International Council of Environmental Lawyers.
Professor Bonine's passion is public-interest law.
Public Interest Resources
From time to time, Prof. Bonine posts links to resources that are relevant to the practice of public interest environmental law.
BP's Feb. 2009 Environmental Impact Analysis for 'Deepwater Horizon' oil gusher disaster in Gulf of Mexico
April 2007 Student Matrix of Global Warming Bills
In recent years he has devoted much of his efforts to promoting environmental law around the world. For example, he is:
- co-founder of the Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW), a network of 300 environmental lawyers in 70 countries;
- a citizen negotiator on international environmental treaties and conventions in Geneva and London for the European ECO Forum;
- Chair of the Board of Directors for the Ukrainian public interest environmental law firm Ecology-People-Law; and
- an active member of the IUCN Commission on Environmental Law.
Bonine teaches and researches U.S. environmental law, and represents citizen groups in environmental cases. His work includes:
- co-founding the world's first Environmental Law Clinic (at the University of Oregon) in 1978, which now works through the Western Environmental Law Center in Eugene;
- founding the world-renowned Public Interest Environmental Law Conferences at the University of Oregon;
- co-authored the well-regarded casebook, The Law of Environmental Protection (West, 1984, 1992)
Articles, Books, and Book Chapters (full books in boldface)
Access to Justice as a Constitutional and International Human Right (work in progress)
Teacher's Manual to Human Rights and the Environment: Cases, Law, and Policy (with Kravchenko) (Carolina Academic Press, 2010)
Private Public Interest Environmental Law: History, Hard Work, and Hope, 26 Pace Envt'l L. Rev. 465 (2009) [also translated into Ukrainian and published in Environment-People-Law Journal, 2010]
Access to Justice: The Need for Creative Financing, chapter in book, Compliance & Enforcement: Toward More Effective Implementation Of Environmental Law, IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Research Studies (Cambridge Univ. Press, London) (submitted and accepted, forthcoming)
Best Practices-Access to Justice (Agenda for Public Interest Law Reform), The Access Initiative, World Resources Institute (2009)
Human Rights and the Environment: Cases, Law, and Policy (with Kravchenko) (Carolina Academic Press, 2008) (600 pages)
- This is the first law school case book anywhere in the world to combine the fields of human rights law and environmental law.
Removing Barriers and Providing Incentives for Citizen Enforcement of Environmental Law (Усунення барьєрів та забезпечення стимулювання обстоювання екологічних законів громадянами), Екологія- Право-Людина [translated into Ukrainian and published in Environment-People-Law Journal] (Issues 32-33), pp. 29-42 (Summer-Autumn, 2007) (in Ukrainian).
William H. Rodgers, Jr., and Environmental Law: Never Give Up, Keep on Going, 82 Wash. L. Rev. 459 (2007)
Barreras Económicas en el Acceso Ciudadano a la Justicia Ambiental [Economic Barriers in Citizens’ Access to Environmental Justice], chapter in book, Terceras Jornadas de Derecho Ambiental: Institucionalidad e Instrumentos de gestión ambiental para el Chile del Bicentenario, (Lexis-Nexis, Santiago, Chile, 2006) (in Spanish)
Removing Barriers and Providing Incentives for Citizen Enforcement of Environmental Laws,Revista de Direitos Difusos [Diffuse Rights Review], vol. 38 (São Paulo, Brazil, 2006) (comparative analysis and evaluation of legal doctrines in Latin America and elsewhere that erect financial barriers to justice) (in English)
Communications and Team-Building in a Bilateral University Partnership, Linkages, online journal of the Institute of International Education (New York, 2006)
Access to Justice and Citizen Enforcement, chapter in book, Law of Energy for Sustainable Development, IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Research Studies (Cambridge Univ. Press, London, 2005)
Hitching Ecosystems and Wildlife to Legal Words, chapter in book, Fauna, Políticas Publicas E instrumentos Legais [Wildlife Protecton: Policy and Legal Instruments] (Law for a Green Planet Institute, São Paulo, 2004) (in English)
Public Interest Environmental Lawyers – Global Examples and Personal Reflections, 10 Widener Law Rev. 451 (2004) (history of environmental law origins abroad)
The Public's Right to Enforce Environmental Law chapter in book, Handbook on Access to Justice (REC, Budapest, 2003) (in English) (treaty analysis)
Democracy and Rights of Access and Public Participation: Worldwide Trends, chapter in book, Legal Foundations for Public Consultation in Government Decision-Making (US-Asia Environmental Partnership & Thammasat University, Bangkok 2003) (in English)
The Construction of Participatory Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe, chapter in book, Human Rights in Resources Development: The New Law of Public Participation (Oxford University Press, 2002) (historical research)
Environmental Impact Assessment and International Law chapter in book, Current Issues of International Environmental Law (Lviv, 2002) (translated to Ukrainian) (with Kravchenko, Andrusevych) (textbook) (in Ukrainian)
Is There a Perspective of Environmental Democracy in Europe? 18 Envir. Advocacy J. 12 (Ukraine, 2002) (in Ukrainian)
Case of the Gypsy Moth, 16 Envir. Advocacy J. 24 (Ukraine, 2001) (in Ukrainian)
Strategic Environmental Assessment, 14 Envir. Advocacy J. (Ukraine, 2001) (in Ukrainian)
Standing to Sue, 11, 12 Envir. Advocacy J. (Ukraine, 2000) (two-part) (in Ukrainian)
Negotiating for Public Participation, Freedom of Information, and Citizens Suits in Europe – Aarhus 1998, 1 Oregon Rev. of Intl. Law 27 (1999)
Broadening 'Standing to Sue' for Citizen Enforcement in Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (Monterey, 1999)
Synopsis, chapter in book, Doors to Democracy, A Pan-European Assessment of Current Trends and Practices in Public Participation in Environmental Matters (REC, Budapest, 1998) (in English)
Litigation as a Creative Force for Environmental Impact Assessment, chapter in book, International Environmental Impact Assessment: European and Comparative Law and Practical Experience (Cameron May, London, 1997)
Standing-to-Sue, chapter in book, Public Interest Litigation — Changes Worldwide and Prospects for Central/Eastern Europe and the NIS, Ford Foundation (1997)
The Law of Environmental Protection (with McGarity) (West, 1992) (2d Edition) (textbook, 900 pages)
Toxic Chemicals and the Seventh Generation, Water Quality Standards for the 21st Century (EPA, 1991)
Environmental Law in the Developing World, Proceedings of Second International Conference on Environmental Law (Bangkok, 1991)
Plain Talk: Making NEPA Work, 25 Land & Water L.Rev
. (Wyoming, 1990) (with Axline)
Stones for David's Sling: Civil Penalties in Citizen Suits against Polluting Federal Facilities, 2 J. Envir. L. & Litig. 1 (1989) (with Axline, others)
A Voice from the Wilderness Calling Your Name, 6 Yale J. of Reg. 393 (1989)
Freedom of Information and Public Interest Environmental Litigation, chapter in book, Global Development and Environment Crisis (Penang, Malaysia, 1988)
UNEP Principles on Environmental Impact Assessment, 17-1 Envir. Policy and Law (Netherlands, 1987)
The New Private Public Interest Bar, 1 J. of Envir. L. & Litig. 1 (1987) (introducing the concept of 'private' public interest law)
Worst Case Analysis, Abdication, and Plain English, Proceedings of the International Bar Association (Victoria, Canada, 1986)
The Law of Environmental Protection (with McGarity) (West, 1984) (1st Edition) (textbook, 1000 pages)
Public Interest Fee Waivers under the Freedom of Information Act, 1981 Duke L.J. 213 (1981)
The Evolution of 'Technology-Forcing' in the Clean Air Act, Envir. Rptr. Monograph (1975) (introducing the theory of 'technology forcing' to U.S. law)
Handbook on Oregon Consumer Protection Laws (Oregon, Economic Development and Consumer Services, 1969)
Report of the Chicago Riot Study Committee to Hon. Richard J. Daley, part of chapter on Cook County Jail in report by the Committee (1968)
Recent Informal, Popular Writing (only writing since 2003 listed)
Copenhagen or Hopenhagen, Eugene Weekly, Decmber 10, 2009 (prospects for a worldwide agreement on climate change actions)
Local flu planning often inadequate, Eugene Register-Guard, April 30, 2009 (lack of transparency in local governmental and educational planning for flu pandemic)
Auto Emissions, Portland Oregonian, December 23, 2007 (on EPA’s action in rejecting California’s request to control greenhouse gas emissions more strictly)
Ready or Not …, Eugene Register-Guard, June 17, 2007 (concerning lack of local preparation for pandemic influenza)
Tropical Paradise Reflecting Environmental Future of the World (Віддзеркалення екологічного майбутнього світу у тропічному раю).Екологія. Право. Людина/Environment People Law Journal №1 (31). Winter, 2006. P. 39-42.
Earth Day Martyr and Price on Environmental Lawyer's Head, Environmental News Service (Apr. 2006)
A Giant Departs, Oregon Lawyer (2005)
The End of Telephone Law? Eugene Register-Guard, Dec. 2004; Portland Oregonian, Dec. 2004
Haunted by Waters, Oregon State Bar Bulletin (Jan. 2003)
“Is International Law a Myth?” International Wildlife Law Conference, Stetson Law School, Florida, March 12, 2010
“Climate Change and the Likelihood of Non-Enforcement,” Conference on Climate Change and Human Rights, University of Georgia Law School, February 12, 2010
“Environmental Human Rights and Climate Change,” Deusto University Law School, Bilbao, Spain, December 11, 2009
“Access to Justice” paper, 7th Colloquium of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law “Environmental Governance and Sustainability,” Wuhan, China, November 1-5, 2009
“Access to Justice and Citizen Enforcement,” Wuhan University School of Law, November 6, 2009
Speaker on human rights and the environment at two seminars, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, May 7, 2009
Lecture on human rights and the environment to Secretary General and legal research staff of the Korea Constitutional Court, May 6, 2009
Lecture on human rights and the environment to Director and research staff of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea, May 6, 2009
Speaker on human rights and the environment at six seminars organized by different law schools in Seoul, Korea, April-May 2009
- Yonsei University, April 27, 2009
- Sungkyunkwan University, April 28, 2009
- Seoul National University, April 29, 2009
- Korea National University, April 30, 2009
- Hanyang University, May 5, 2009
- Ewha Woman’s University, May 6, 2009
“Human Rights and Environment,” Korea Environmental Law Forum (law professors from throughout Korea), May 1, 2009
Interview on Korean radio, April 28, 2009
“The Next Generation of Environmental Law,” American Bar Association Annual Conference on Environmental Law, Keystone, Colorado, March 14, 2009
“Human Rights,” 25th Annual Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, Eugene, Oregon, February 28, 2009
Closing Speaker at the 6th Colloquium of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law “Poverty Alleviation and Environmental Protection,” Mexico City, November, 2008
Speaker at the Environmental Education Workshop: a Clinical Approach, National University of Mexico, Mexico City, November, 2008
“Human Rights Aspects of Environmental Law,” School of Law, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya, July 31, 2008
“Human Rights Approaches to Protecting Environmental Rights,” School of Law, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, July 21, 2008
“Equal Justice, Transparency, and Participation–An Environmental Law Fairy Tale?” School of Law, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa, July 21, 2008
“Access to Justice,” Seminar on Recent Developments in International and National Environmental Law, Environmental Law Association, Johannesburg, South Africa, July 18, 2008
“Human Rights and the Environment,” Public Interest Litigation Workshop, Mandela Institute, School of Law, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, July 17, 2008
“Do Human Rights Include Environmental Rights,” School of Law, North West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa, July 16, 2008
“The Aarhus Convention and Access to Justice,” Academy of Judges, Paris, France, May 5-7, 2008
“Environmental Law Issues in U.S.A. and U.K.,” TransAtlantic Video Conference with Public Interest Conference, London, England, March 6, 2008
“Will Past Be Prologue for Climate Change Policy? The Clean Air Act’s Sad History,” Climate Change and Future Generations Symposium, Vermont Law School, February 24, 2008
“Improving Access to Justice under the Aarhus Convention,” Access to Justice Mini-Conference, Geneve, Switzerland, September 10, 2007
“Procedural Rights and the Environment,” International and European Environmental Law, Centre d’etudes et de Recherches Internationales (CeRIUM), L’Universite de Montreal, Canada, July 3, 2007
“European, Canadian and American environmental law: a comparison,” International and European Environmental Law, Centre d’etudes et de Recherches Internationales (CeRIUM), L’Universite de Montreal, Canada, July 3, 2007
“Teaching or Practicing Environmental Law: Follow Your Dreams,” Celebration of Professor Bill Rodgers’ First 40 Years of Teaching and Scholarship, University of Washington Law School, April 20, 2007
“Environmental Litigation and the Geography of Hope,” Lloyd Garrison Lecture, Pace Law School, New York, March 19, 2007
“Public Interest: Activism, Advocacy, and Life,” 17th Annual Conference of National Association of Environmental Law Societies, George Washington University Law School, March 17, 2007
“Standing to Sue,” 25th Annual Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, Eugene, Oregon, March 4, 2007
“Global Warming Litigation and Biodiversity,” International Wildlife Law Conference, Stetson Law School, Florida, January 26, 2007
“Barreras Economicas a la Justicia Ambiental,” Keynote Speech at Conference on Environmental Law, Universidad de Santiago, Santiago, Chile, October 25, 2006
“Economic Barriers – Latin America and Europe,” E-LAW Annual Meeting, Valparaiso, Chile, October 24, 2006
“Economic Barriers – State of the Art,” IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Colloquium, New York State Judicial Academy, October 17, 2006
“Academic Strategies for Teaching Environmental Law,” Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, University of Oregon, March 3, 2006
“Economic Barriers to Access to Justice under the Aarhus Convention,” Access to Justice Task Force Meeting, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, February 17, 2006
“Presentation on Access to Justice,” Plenary Session, Second Meeting of Parties of the Aarhus Convention, Almaty, Kazakhstan, May 26, 2005
“Standing to Sue – Recent Worldwide Precedents,” Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, Eugene, Oregon, March 5, 2005
“Imbalances in Environmental Litigators,” E-LAW Annual Meeting, Yachats, Oregon, March 1, 2005
Honors and Awards
Dean’s Distinguished Faculty Fellow, named 2008
David Brower Lifetime Achievement Award, Land Air Water, Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, 2007
David Brower Lifetime Achievement Award, Land Air Water, Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, 1997
David Simon Award for Vision, Oregon Natural Resources Council, 1989
Senator Richard E. Neuberger Award for greatest contribution to Oregon’s environment, Oregon Environmental Council, 1982