Law Faculty honored with Hollis and Meritorious awards

Susan Gary and Caroline Forell

Two faculty were awarded the Orlando John Hollis Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award and Meritorious Service Award at the 2019 commencement ceremony. These awards were created by Oregon Law faculty to honor the service of those who have enhanced legal education and advanced the role of law in society.

Orlando John Hollis Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award 

Susan Gary, Orlando John & Marian H. Hollis Professor 

Susan GaryEstablished in 1990 by an endowment gift from Wallace and Ellen Kaapcke in honor of Orlando John Hollis and awarded annually to the School of Law’s outstanding teacher to reward excellence in classroom instruction.

Susan Gary, the Orlando J. and Marian H. Hollis Professor at the University of Oregon School of Law, joined the UO law faculty in 1978. 

Professor Gary has spent the last four decades teaching about trusts and estates, estate planning, nonprofit organizations, and an undergraduate course on law and families.  

In nominating Professor Gary, a colleague wrote, “Professor Gary is an outstanding teacher. In the classroom, she is knowledgeable and rigorous, and she uses teaching methods that engage students actively.”

She arranges for her students to write for Oregon State Bar publications, which serve to enhance students' resumes, increase their visibility in the legal community, and showcase Oregon Law’s talent. 

Her colleagues have also noted that her commitment to students continues beyond class. “She has had two students within the past few years win national recognition and significant prize money because of her continuing work with them on substantive papers.”

Oregon Law faculty aren’t the only ones who note Gary’s excellence in teaching. One student wrote that Professor Gary “exudes passion for trusts and estates” and “breathes life into the subject by regularly connecting heady policy issues to the realities of law practice.”

Previous Hollis Awards Recipients 1990 Mary Lawrence; 1991 Leslie Harris; 1992 Fred Merrill; 1993 David Schuman; 1994 Lisa Kippenberg; 1995 Caroline Forell; 1996 Margaret Paris; 1997 Dominick Vetri; 1998	Robin Morris Collin; 1999 R. James Mooney; 2000 Nancy Shurtz; 2001 Steve Bender; 2002 Mary Wood; 2003 Garrett Epps; 2004 Michael Moffitt; 2005 Carl S. Bjerre; 2006 Joseph C. Metcalfe; 2007 Robert Tsai; 2008 Andrea Coles-Bjerre; 2009 Adell Amos; 2010 Tom Lininger; 2011 Suzanne Rowe; 2012 Jennifer Reynolds; 2013 Mohsen Manesh; 2014 Michael Fakhri; 2015 Joan Rocklin; 2015 Dave Frohnmayer (honorary; awarded posthumously); 2016 Erik Girvan; 2017 Michelle McKinley

Meritorious Service Award

Caroline Forell, Professor Emerita 

Caroline Forell

Established in 1984, The Meritorious Service Award is the highest award given by the law school. It is given each year at commencement to a person or persons who has made extraordinary contributions to legal education or to the legal profession. 

Professor Forell joined Oregon Law’s faculty in 1978. She has spent her entire professional career serving the University of Oregon School of Law and is currently semi-retired, participating in the UO’s tenure reduction program and teaching one semester a year. 

In nominating Professor Forell, a colleague wrote, “Caroline’s work focusing on legal issues affecting women and, more recently, animals, demonstrates her dedication to creating a system of justice that works for all, including the most vulnerable amongst us.”

As an advocate for domestic abuse survivors, Professor Forell played an instrumental role in the existence of the Domestic Violence Clinic at UO. When the Clinic was originally founded, she took up the project with Professor Merle Weiner and Professor Leslie Harris. For several years, Forell played an active role in teaching and assisting with cases. Throughout the Clinic’s existence, Forell has been an enthusiastic supporter and an important source of knowledge and wisdom.

Her colleagues say that her impact has gone beyond the Knight Law Center, “Caroline has made extraordinary contributions to our students, their legal education and the law.” 

She co-authored, with Donna Matthews, the book: "A Law of Her Own: The Reasonable Woman as a Measure of Man," which received national attention and was cited in the stalking case of Bryant v. Walker. On appeal of this case to the Oregon Supreme Court, Forell presented oral argument on the issue of incorporating gender into the standard of care for assessing a stalking victim's alarm.

Additionally, her articles about attorney-client sex have spurred law reform and revision of codes of ethical conduct. And on the international stage, Forell’s scholarship has looked at the United States, Canada and Australia and their reform struggles on domestic homicide and individual problems with the provocation defense. 

One colleague wrote, “Caroline is an unsung hero and a big reason why we are the successful law school we are today. She richly deserves this honor.”

Previous Meritorious Service Award Recipients 1984 Orlando John Hollis and William G. East; 1985 Kenneth J. O'Connell and Lois I. Baker; 1986 Hans A. Linde, 1987 Richard W. Nahstoll; 1988 The Hon. Roland K. Rodman, The Hon. Richard L. Unis 1989 The Hon. Alfred T. Goodwin and The Hon. Edwin J. Peterson; 1990 John H. Van Landingham, 1991 Chapin D. Clark; 1992 John E. Jaqua and Frank E. Nash; 1993 Jeannette C. Hayner, John L. Luvaas, Eugene F. Scoles; 1994 Arthur C. Johnson and Sidney I. Lezak; 1995 Anthony Yturri and Oglesby Young; 1996 Noreen K. Saltveit and Otto Frohnmayer; 1997 Wendell Wyatt; 1998 Hardy Myers; 1999 The Hon. Sandra Day O'Connor and Frank Lacy; 2000 The Hon. Helen J. Frye; 2001 Ray and Lois Ackerman; 2002 Norman J. Wiener and Minoru Yasui; 2003 The Hon. Ellen Rosenblum; 2004 The Hon. Ronald L. Wyden and The Hon. Stephen Reinhardt; 2005 Alice Plymell; 2006 The Hon. Wallace P. Carson, Jr. and Phyllis Barkhurst; 2007 The Hon. Dorothy W. Nelson; 2008 Rennard Strickland; 2009 Merv Loya; 2010 Carolyn S. Chambers and Mary S. Lawrence; 2011 James O'Fallon and The Hon. Martha Walters; 2012 The Hon. Procter Hug, Jr.; 2013 The Hon. David Schuman; 2014 The Hon. John Acosta and Dean Emeritus Eugene Scoles; 2015 Dominick Vetri; 2016 Howard Arnett; 2017 Leslie Harris; 2018 Megan McAlpin;

By School of Law Communications