News and Features

Inside Higher Ed: The University of Oregon dropped the Law School Admission Test as a requirement for some students.
PreLaw Magazine: PreLaw Magazine ranks Oregon Law #17 in the Nation for "Best Schools for Public Service."
Around the O: Duke Law professor Guy-Uriel E. Charles and author Janet DeWart Bell, widow of former law school Dean Derrick Bell, to speak at Oregon Law. 
Established in 1978, the Environmental Law Clinic at Oregon Law the was first of its kind in the nation.
The Conversation: Associate Professor Elizabeth Tippett writes for The Conversation. 
Oregon Law: The Business Law Program at the UO School of Law recently received two major gifts. One from Nancy and Dave Petrone in the amount of $250,000, and the second from Ron and Linda Greenman in the amount of $100,000.
Oregon Law: Bazsi Takacs did not have a traditional path to law school. He graduated with a JD from Oregon Law in 2018, but originally planned to go to graduate school to pursue an MBA.
Oregon Law: As a first-year law student, Cate Gelband JD ’20, knew right away that she wanted to study business law. She was eager to work on exciting, challenging projects that require analytical and technical skill, a broad knowledge base, and sharp focus.
A $100,000 gift from a Bend brewery owner will allow the UO School of Law to pursue groundbreaking work through its highly ranked Environmental and Natural Resources Center.
The Climate CIRCulator: The article is the subject of a study published last July in the journal Nature Sustainability, co-authored by Professor Adell Amos.