ENR News and Events

Associate Professor Michael Fakhri's research on food and climate change is highlighted.
For the last 41 years, Hildreth has taught Local Government, Land Use and Water Law, International Environmental Law, Climate Change Law, and United States and Canadian Ocean and Coastal Law.
The Intercept: Professor Mary Wood’s work on “Atmospheric Trust Litigation” is mentioned.
Daily Emerald: The University of Oregon Law School will host playwright and lawyer Mary Kathryn Nagle Tuesday for the Annual Rennard Strickland Lecture. Nagle’s lecture will be on Tribal Sovereignty: The Origins of Environmental Law. 
The Hill: The story mentions research by Assistant Professor Greg Dotson.
ABA Journal: The work of Professor Mary Wood is highlighted.
The Washington Post: Assistant Professor Greg Dotson provides expert commentary. 
Professor Roberta Mann’s new book, Tax Law and the Environment: A Multidisciplinary and Worldwide Perspective, is an edited volume with co-editor Tracey M. Roberts of Samford University.
A Q&A with Associate Professor Michael Fakhri, faculty co-leader of the Food Resiliency Project.