International Law Concentration

Oregon Law's International Law concentration provides you with a critical legal analysis of a diverse number of legal systems, and raises important issues regarding human rights and immigration, international business law, and environmental law. The program provides a holistic view of global issues and challenges you to consider domestic law from a global perspective.


Group A Courses – Must satisfactorily complete:

  • LAW 747 Human Rights
  • LAW 671 International Law
  • LAW 642 International Business Transactions


* While not required, it is helpful to have taken the foundational courses (International Law and International Business Transactions) prior to taking elective courses. The elective courses assume a fundamental level of knowledge about international law.

Group B Courses – You must also satisfactorily complete four (4) of the following courses:

  • LAW 748 Adv Human Rights Seminar
  • LAW 647 Conflicts of Law
  • LAW 693 Human Rights & the Environment
  • LAW 749 Immigration Law and Policy
  • LAW 690 International Environmental Law
  • LAW 746 Law and Development

In addition to completing the curriculum referenced above, you must write a high quality professional academic research paper on a topic of international law. You must receive advance approval of your topic.