Giving News

The Meritorious Service Award at the University of Oregon School of Law is the highest award given by the school. It is given each year to persons who have made extraordinary contributions to legal education or the legal profession.
University of Oregon President Michael Schill recently committed $1.5 million from the Presidential Fund for Excellence to expand and enhance the Business Law Program. These investment funds will support the program’s strategic plan to expand its experiential learning opportunities to prepare law students to become practice ready in the area of business law. The support also will help the law school develop collaborative projects with the University’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Initiative.
Like in the days of Yasui, civil rights and constitutional rights have come to the forefront of our country. We must rededicate ourselves to treating people humanely.” - Bill Waterman BS ‘77, JD ‘82 
The University of Oregon School of Law released a special publication today. Dean Marcilynn A. Burke reports on the law school’s progress and achievements for the past five years. In the Dean’s Report, she highlights the progress of the law school’s strategic initiatives and showcases the core areas of excellence.
The Lew and Ann Williams estate recently funded the University of Oregon Law School’s business law fellowship program with $500,000.The bequest established an endowment, which will enable the UO Business Law program to expand its Business Law Fellows Program to include second- and third-year law students who are interested in pursuing a career in business law.
The School of Law recently announced third-year Anne Marie Burke, and second-year Gabe Naganuma, as the 2020-21 Minoru Yasui Fellows. Both Burke and Naganuma were chosen for their commitment to the values reflected in alumnus Minoru Yasui’s legacy and life. 
Ashley Hamilton, a first-year student at the law school, has always been interested in social justice and equity.  
Oregon Law alum Roy Dwyer gives back to the school that inspired him
Celebrating the legacy of former Oregon Law Dean Rennard Strickland.
Established in 2010, the Kerry Adam Lewiecki Award (KAL) is given annually to a JD or CRES student who embodies the values that JD/CRES student Kerry Adam Lewiecki displayed throughout his life.