Jennifer Reynolds
Interim Dean | Orlando John and Marian H. Hollis Professor of Law | Faculty Director, ADR Center
Professor Reynolds teaches civil procedure, conflict of laws, negotiation, and mediation. Her research interests include negotiation, dispute systems design, and cultural influences and implications of alternative processes. She holds the Orlando John and Marian H. Hollis endowed professorship at the law school. View published and in-progress works by Professor Reynolds here.
Professor Reynolds has received the University of Oregon's Ersted Award for Distinguished Teaching and the law school's Orlando J. Hollis Teaching Award. She is the Faculty Director of the nationally ranked Oregon ADR Center, which in June 2016 received the Ninth Circuit Award for Excellence in ADR Education. She has served as the national chair of the ADR Section of the Association of American Law Schools and is an active blogger for the ADR professor blog, indisputably. In 2016, Reynolds served as the interim ombudsperson at the University of Oregon.
Professor Reynolds received her law degree cum laude from Harvard Law School, her master's degree in English from the University of Texas at Austin, and her bachelor's degree from the University of Chicago. While at Harvard, Professor Reynolds was an editor of the Harvard Law Review; a research assistant for Professor Arthur Miller on Federal Practice and Procedure; and a teaching assistant, researcher, and Harvard Negotiation Research Project Fellow for the Program on Negotiation.
Before law school, Professor Reynolds worked for seven years as a systems analyst and associate director for information technology at UT Austin. After law school, Reynolds was an associate at the Atlanta office of Dow Lohnes PLLC, working primarily on First Amendment and employment cases. She joined the faculty at the University of Missouri School of Law as a Visiting Associate Professor in 2008 before joining the Oregon faculty the following year. Professor Reynolds has been a Visiting Professor of Law at Harvard Law School.
** Professor Reynolds is currently serving as the law school's Interim Dean.
Selected Publications
Civil Procedure: A Coursebook (forthcoming 2025) (with Joseph Glannon, Andrew Perlman & Peter Raven-Hansen).
Star Wars and Conflict Resolution II: My Negotiations Will Not Fail (2024) (co-edited with Noam Ebner).
Star Wars and Conflict Resolution: There Are Alternatives to Fighting (2022) (co-edited with Noam Ebner).
Lawyer Negotiation (4th ed. 2022) (with Jay Folberg).
Resolving Disputes: Theory, Practice, and Law (4th ed. 2022) (with Jay Folberg, Dwight Golann, Thomas Stipanowich & Amy Schmitz).
Designing Informal Mechanisms for Claims of Campus Sexual Misconduct (with Brian Pappas & Art Hinshaw), __ Ohio St. J. Disp. Resol. __ (2021).
Oversimplifying, Overselling, Overreaching, in Discussions in Dispute Resolution: The Formative Articles (2021).
Talking About Abortion (Listening Optional), 8 Texas A&M L. Rev. 141 (2020).
Does ADR Feel Like Justice?, 88 Fordham L. Rev. 2357 (2020).
Snap Disputes, 25 Harv. Negot. L. Rev. 37 (2019).
The A is for Activism, in The Negotiator’s Fieldbook: The Desk Reference for the Experienced Negotiator (2d ed.).
Capturing Corruption (book review of Captured by Evil: The Idea of Corruption in Law, by Laura J. Underkuffler), 66 J. Legal Educ. 956 (2017).
Truth and the Trial Lawyer, Trial Lawyer Magazine (Summer 2017).
The Activist Plus: Dispute Systems Design and Social Activism, 13 St. Thomas L. Rev. 334 (2017).
Breaking BATNAs: Negotiation Lessons from Walter White, 45 N.M. L. Rev. 611 (2015).
Luck v. Justice: Consent Intervenes, but for Whom?, 14 Pepp. Disp. Resol. L.J. 93 (2014).
The Case for Compromise (book review of The Spirit of Compromise: Why Governing Demands It and Campaigning Undermines It, by Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson), 20 No. 1 Disp. Resol. Mag. 35 (2013).
Judicial Reviews: What Judges Write When They Write About Mediation, 5 Penn. St. Y.B. on Arb. & Med. 111 (2013).
The Lawyer with the ADR Tattoo, 14 Cardozo J. Conflict Resol. 395 (2013).
Epilogue: On Miller, Mini-Fujis, and the Meaning of Access, 90 Or. L. Rev. 1181 (2012).
Foreword: ADR for the Masses, 90 Or. L. Rev. 691 (2012)
On Commitments, 39 Wash. U. J.L. & Pol’y 231 (2012).
Games, Dystopia, and ADR, 27 Ohio St. J. on Disp. Resol. 477 (2012).
Honors and Awards
Named Orlando John and Marian H. Hollis Professor of Law (2023)
Elected Marshal for Class of 2023 (2023)
Recognized for Research Excellence (Provost Banners, 2023)
Fund for Faculty Excellence Award (2021)
Elected Co-Marshal for Class of 2021 (2021)
Pillar of the Community Award (2020)
Oregon Faculty Star (2019)
Elected Co-Marshal for Class of 2019)
Elected Co-Marshal for Class of 2016 (2016)
Elected Co-Marshal for Class of 2014 (2014)
University of Oregon Ersted Teaching Award (2012)
University of Oregon School of Law Hollis Teaching Award (2012)
Elected Co-Marshal for Class of 2012 (2012)
Board of Advisors Faculty Achievement Award, University of Missouri School of Law (2008-2009)