Oregon Law’s Summer Sports Law Institute gathers many of the industry’s top professors and students for a cutting-edge study of the myriad legal issues facing today’s sports lawyers. The program emphasizes the legal and intellectual breadth of sports law from economics to regulation and Title IX to intellectual property. This year, the nation’s top immersive sports law program will be held virtually July 5 – August 5, 2022. The program will be held virtually due to Eugene hosting the World Athletics Championships Oregon22 at Hayward Field.
The Institute is open to students from any law school. Its primary goal is to provide learning opportunities for students whose home law schools do not offer significant content regarding sports law. During the five-week session, participants study antitrust, labor law, intellectual property and licensing issues, Title IX, NCAA compliance, international sports arbitration, torts, and the impact of COVID-19 on the sports industry.
The Summer Sports Law Institute complements Oregon Law’s top-tier sports law curriculum with sessions from notable figures in the industry. In addition to some of the nation’s top law professors, each summer’s session features guest speakers from the professional sports industry, the media, the NCAA, and other organizations.
Oregon Law 3L student Summer Huber participated in the 2021 Summer Sports Law Institute. She said, “The program combines the study of amateur sports law and professional sports law. During this program, I expanded my legal network by connecting with the industry's top professors. I studied a myriad of legal issues facing sports lawyers today by reading a wide range of case law and articles about the history of sports."