ALWD Virtual Front Porch


ALWD Virtual Front Porch

Integrating Social Justice into the LRW Classroom

Monday, June 15, 2020


Featured Panelists

Tiffany Atkins

Tiffany Atkins (Elon University School of Law)


Danielle Tully (Northeastern University School of Law)


Camille Lamar Campbell

Camille Lamar Campbell (Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law)


Amanda Schemkes

Amanda Schemkes (Elon University School of Law)


Charles Calleros

Charles Calleros (ASU Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law)


Stephanie Hartung

Stephanie Hartung (Northeastern University School of Law)


Elizabeth Bloom

Elizabeth Bloom (Northeastern University School of Law)


Suzanne Rowe

Suzanne Rowe (moderator, University of Oregon School of Law)



Please click here to access a transcript of the panel discussion.



Some of these were provided before the Zoom session; others were made available afterwards.

Syllabus Excerpts and Cases to Brief (Charles Calleros)

Hidden Figures Text and PowerPoint (Camille Lamar Campbell)

SALT Anti-Racism Statement and Suggested Steps (Olympia Duhart)

Media Images (Stephanie Hartung)

Sample Questions for Book Assignment (Amanda Schemkes)

Teaching Notes for Ask Me Where I Am a Local (Danielle Tully)


Links & Recommendations

No More Masks (Tiffany Atkins)


Ted Talk (Danielle Tully)


SALT Recommendations for Institutional Change (Olympia Duhart)


New Yorker - Disrupting Racism in Journalism (Stephanie Hartung/Elizabeth Bloom)


“Jailhouse Lawyers” by Mumia Abu-Jamal (Amanda Schemkes)


“But What If I Say the Wrong Thing? 25 Habits for Culturally Effective People” by Verná Myers (chat message by Mary Beth Beazley)


“White Guilt in the Workplace” (suggested by Suzanne Rowe on behalf of a former student)